The Electronics Flea Market returns on March 9, 2025.
The hours are from 6:00AM until 12:00 Noon. Please observe a quiet time before 8:00AM.
[Check this page for updates before attending these events in case of scheduling changes.]
Check here for any schedule changes. [NOTE: the May event is on the 3rd Sunday.]
Sunday | Mar.9 | Flea Market - Benefits Silicon Valley Emergency Communications System - This is the first one for 2025! |
Sunday | Apr13 | Flea Market - Benefits West Valley Amateur Radio Association |
Sunday | May18 | Flea Market - Benefits Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association (3rd Sunday this month) |
Sunday | June8 | Flea Market - Benefits Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association |
Sunday | July13 | Flea Market - Benefits Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System |
Sunday | Aug.10 | Flea Market - Benefits Foothills Amateur Radio Society |
Sunday | Sep. 14 | Flea Market - TBA. |
The Electronics Flea Market runs March through September.
Details and Directions.
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